Thursday, April 16, 2009

Five Brutal Videos of Sports Injuries

The videos that I listed below are five of worst sports injuries ever caught on tape during a sporting event. All of these injuries were either season ending or career ending for the athlete involved. Some of these videos are pretty graffic so if you have a weak stomach I advise you not to watch some of them. All these videos show people how serious of an injury that athletes can potentially sustain while participating in a sport.

1. Clint Malarchuk: Aside from fatal injuries or injuries that left players paralyzed or missing a limb, it's hard to top this. March 22, 1989 -- St. Louis Blues at Buffalo Sabres. Malarchuk, recently traded to the Sabres, is in goal when Steve Tuttle and Uwe Krupp collide in front of the goal, Tuttle goes flying, and his skate slices open Malarchuk's carotid artery. Malarchuk slumps on the ice as blood spurts out -- the pool of blood eventually covered the entire crease. The injury was so horrific, two fans reportedly suffered heart attacks and three players vomited on the ice. NHL goalies wear neck protectors today.

2. Lawrence Taylor's snaps Joe Theisman's leg: This is from a Monday Night Football game in 1985, Taylor's New York Giants versus Theisman's Washington Redskins. This injury ended Theisman's career. To date, both players claim they have never seen a replay of the injury -- and have no desire to do so.

3. Ken Norton Jr. destroys Napoleon McCallum's knee: This happened on Monday Night Football, in September 1994. Norton, playing for the San Francisco 49ers, tackles Oakland Raiders running back McCallum and bends his leg like God never intended. McCallum suffered a dislocated knee, ruptured artery, and damage to three knee ligaments. His calf muscle and hamstring were torn from the bone, he almost had to have his leg amputated, and he never played again.

4. Shaun Livingston dislocates his knee: Livingston and the Clippers are playing the Charlotte Bobcats on February 26, 2007. He goes up for a layup, lands awkwardly and dislocates his knee.

5. Keven Stevens breaks his face: In the 1993 NHL playoffs, Pittsburgh Penguins forward Kevin Stevens broke most of the bones in his face. This is among the more unusual hockey injuries because it was Stevens who initiated the contact. While checking Rich Pilon of the New York Islanders, Stevens was knocked unconscious when his face collided with Pilon's shield. Stevens then plummeted face-first onto the ice, which caused most of the damage.
"The doctors told me that my face looked like a potato chip," Stevens told the New York Times. "A stepped-on potato chip."
According to the Times, surgeons "cut his head open from ear to ear -- an incision that required 100 stitches to close -- and peeled his face down to his neck, exposing the broken bones. The doctors then inserted five metal plates and removed so many bone fragments that Stevens now has a boneless furrow over the bridge of his nose.


  1. Ho my God this is so impresive, i just can belive that they are doing what they love, just playing but i supose that is the risk of it, get hurt. It is admirable and get you more respect to them. I love this post its very realistic and its good to see the bad things that sports can make you!!

  2. i cant belive these injuries. They were horrible. This scares me about playing a sport such as football because there is always that chance of breaking a leg. Hockey is also a very dangerous sport. I mainly see concussions in hockey but a broken face and slit throat were pretty horrifying. Good blog, hopefully we find better ways to prevent these injuries.

  3. I couldn't help but look away when watching some of these videos!! Some of them are so unbelievable. These videos just remind people of what really can happen when engaging in physical activity or sport. It's insane but you definitely picked a few good injury videos!

  4. These videos are great. Nice post. Good idea.

  5. WOW!! so impressive!! My God! This video shows the injuries that people have when they do some sport. Well they just do sport and this things are parts of the game.

  6. I don't even know what to say. I am an Athletic Training student and this is the kind of stuff they train us to be prepared for everyday. Some of these injuries would really test our knowledge and ability of emergency action plans at events.

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